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I’m an actress in Los Angeles who believes in natural healing and living a toxin free lifestyle. Find out why here!

Rosemary Baby!

Rosemary Baby!

Why are you all screaming??

I said a celebratory “Rosemary baby!” Not Rosemary’s Baby…. sheesh. Tough crowd… kidding! You guys are great.

Last but not least in your starter kit should be rosemary. This underrated essential oil has many amazing health properties that have been used for centuries. It can regulate blood pressure and even improve your memory. These benefits can be achieved via both internal use and aromatherapy. Similar to frankincense, studies are being conducted that show successful cancer treatments in vitro.

My main use for rosemary is to stimulate hair growth and promote thickness. I add it to my castor oil hair treatments along with tea tree and lavender. I add it to most of my recipes as a preservative. Yes that’s right, rosemary is a natural preservative! It can extend the shelf life of any skincare product as long as it’s kept in a temperature controlled environment. 

Rosemary is a potent oil and should definitely be diluted. I use a very small amount to preserve my products for two reasons: one, it’s an overpowering scent and two, it should only be used on or near the face properly and heavily diluted. Children under 10 should avoid rosemary on or near the face completely. As a potent oil it can cause respiratory and nervous system issues when not diluted properly. This is important for someone like me since I got bronchitis!


Maple Holistics is a trusted brand that would be great for any starter kit. My go to recommendation is Plant Therapy and Amazon’s choice is Healing Solutions.


Note: Some schools of thought say certain essential oils may not be safe to use during pregnancy. However, experts say to use the minimum dosage as directed and it should be safe. Please consult your physician if you have any concerns and use at your own discretion. 

Put The Lime in the Coconut... or Lemon, or Tea Tree...

Put The Lime in the Coconut... or Lemon, or Tea Tree...

Ting Tang Walla Walla... Ylang Ylang

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