Ting Tang Walla Walla... Ylang Ylang
Make way for the queen of essential oils, Ylang Ylang. Ylang, Yl-what?? Don’t anger the queen! Nah… she’s cool. She just needs Somebody to Love or a Bicycle. No, no… Don’t Stop Me Now. Actually stop me or I’ll keep going. No seriously, I want to Break Free… I’m done. Maybe…. Checkmate!
This amazing essential oil is distilled from the flower of the cananga tree or ylang ylang tree. It’s called the queen of essential oils because it creates harmony in the body.
Mostly utilized in aromatherapy, the scent is light and sweet and has been shown to increase alertness while decreasing blood pressure. These two things don’t usually happen naturally in our bodies. Normally when our fight-or-flight response kicks in, our increase in attentiveness is due to our blood pressure rising rapidly when our adrenaline is released. Since ylang ylang has the opposite affect on our blood pressure whilst sharpening our senses, we reach a sort of yin and yang balance, thus harmonizing the body.
It’s skincare properties are abundant. It reduces inflammation, lightens hyper-pigmentation, fights free radicals, as well as fighting bacteria and fungi. See why she reigns supreme? Along with Frankincense, this was a more recent discovery in the last couple years of my journey. Still not crying!
However, it’s been an amazing addition to my personal recipes. I have a small bottle of diluted ylang ylang and lavender that I carry with me as a calming perfume. I love the scent and aromatherapy combo of these two. I find that if I’m feeling anxious putting a little on my wrists and over my sternum helps calm me down immediately. It’s also been a welcome addition to my body lotion recipe because of its aroma and anti-inflammatory properties. I’ve noticed less redness and random bumps on my skin. Neat!
According to Dr. Eric Zielinski, author of The Healing Power of Essential Oils, ylang ylang extracts in high doses can have spermicidal effects. Most products won’t have nearly enough but if you’re trying to get knocked up be careful what creams, lubes, and washes you use.
My go to is Plant Therapy. I just love their message and the quality of their oils. Their ylang ylang seems to have a particularly potent scent that makes everything smell regal. Nature’s Oil is another wonderful brand for organic oils and is slightly less expensive than Plant Therapy. Amazon’s choice is Artizen, which I personally cannot vouch for but seems to be more bang for your buck.
Note: Some schools of thought say certain essential oils may not be safe to use during pregnancy. However, experts say to use the minimum dosage as directed and it should be safe. Please consult your physician if you have any concerns and use at your own discretion.